Archive for August, 2008

The Alaska Chronicles: Alaska EcoTravel Adventure Vacation

Written by dr. j. Posted in Fun


Have You ever dreamed of going to Alaska?

Lovingly known as “The Last Frontier”, I was pleased to see that many have taken up the challenge to relocate here. From New York, to Michigan, to even Washington state, both young and old are calling Alaska home.

But what is it about Alaska that not only attracts, but keeps so many that venture this far? Is the PR really as good as the reality? What are the potential drawbacks? Is cost of living a significant factor of living here? And what about continual daylight and continual night?

These questions and many more will be probed and answered in this series on Wild Alaska: The ? Home of The Current American Dream.

I can tell you one thing…

The vast majority of the people I met from Alaska were warm…very warm and genuinely friendly. They were happy and eager to share their life’s story, how they came to Alaska and why they stay. The people are the true jewel of Alaska. That must be why many visit and then stay. Yet many others return again and again.

This series of post will be more of a travelogue.
Relax. Sit back. And enjoy!

Site Temporarily Moved Back…

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

My apologies…

I THOUGHT that this hosting nightmare would be over. But apparently it is not.

After a week (actually TWO) of trying to get my NEW host to even answer their phones or their online chat window, I’ve given up.

I’m not sure what I’ve lost from my database files, but this was just ridiculous. I kept the backup site active as a precaution. I’m glad I did (although I FORGOT to update the database).

So, for right now, we are running from the backup site. I will search for a NEW host (already talked to one for a different project) and, for the time being, operate from here.

My concern is WHAT is going on that companies such as MidPhase would not only go down, but not answer phones, chat windows or email requests for assistance? They manage their own servers. So, I wouldn’t think this would be a problem for them.

Guess I was wrong.

Looking forward to sharing some of my Alaska trip with you.
Until then…

p.s. Is there a LIGHT way of looking at this? When I think of my frustration