
Site Temporarily Moved Back…

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

My apologies…

I THOUGHT that this hosting nightmare would be over. But apparently it is not.

After a week (actually TWO) of trying to get my NEW host to even answer their phones or their online chat window, I’ve given up.

I’m not sure what I’ve lost from my database files, but this was just ridiculous. I kept the backup site active as a precaution. I’m glad I did (although I FORGOT to update the database).

So, for right now, we are running from the backup site. I will search for a NEW host (already talked to one for a different project) and, for the time being, operate from here.

My concern is WHAT is going on that companies such as MidPhase would not only go down, but not answer phones, chat windows or email requests for assistance? They manage their own servers. So, I wouldn’t think this would be a problem for them.

Guess I was wrong.

Looking forward to sharing some of my Alaska trip with you.
Until then…

p.s. Is there a LIGHT way of looking at this? When I think of my frustration

Alert! Changing DNS tonight!

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

Hello everyone!

Well all the files are on the new sever but for some reason, the alias site does not show up….even though it was moved by the hosting company themselves…TWICE!

Which means…IF I change my DNS configuration and the site is gone, you know what happened. I’ve backed it up TWICE but will do it once more JUST IN CASE Mr. Murphy want to cause me a little grief.

If all goes well, the site should only be missing for an hour or so. We will see.

If I have to, I will load it myself.
Cross your fingers and say a prayer…

Pardon My Dust! Moving (Again) To A New Host

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

need a shrink video
“I’m Mad As Hell and I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore!”

That was the most popular phrase attributed to the movie, Network. But is almost fits how I feel. I rarely get mad. However, I definitely ain’t gonna take it anymore. Let me explain…

I cannot tell you the amount of frustration I feel when I attempt to access this site to find the site down again. My current host provider thought that moving it to a more robust

Hot Summer Fun That Keeps You Going

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

Summer is here.battlerockbeach2
And while a few of my associates are planning to take trips far away, most have decided to stay close to home instead of traveling and paying high gas prices.

And Hollywood has heard our cry for much needed entertainment.

I think this summer will go down in history as the best summer ever for  Sci-Fi and Action Adventure movie releases. It will be the summer that will also handsomely reward Hollywood for thinking of us, the movie goer, by providing entertainment that is beyond cutting edge expectations.

And today’s film was no exception.

I just got back from viewing the new Hulk movie. With Edward Norton heading

Some Changes Coming This Way…

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

First, I’d like to apologize to those of you who tried to access this site on Friday. Apparently Better Health News was not accessible for more than 6 hours and possibly 12. My hosting company was not even aware of the issue. Neither was I until I got home, fired up my browser and read an email from my web guy.

This just won’t do.

Yes, the problem was fixed in under 10 minutes. But something went wacky on their side. The tech guy explained it as…somehow, THEY blocked my sites IP addess at the server…THEIR server.

So…with this being the last annoyance in a fistful of short straws, I will HAVE to move the site. It’s unfortunate they decided to stop managing their own servers and LEASE some with another company who, well, is known to me for computer glitches and poor service. My hosting company usually gives good service, but their’s only so much you can do when you hitch yourself to a rotten apple.

Yes, this is yet another headache I didn’t want to deal with just this yet. But for peace of mind, this should be done now. I’d hate the site to have a problem while I’m out of the country!


I’ve been working on a change in the look of the site. So far, I have 2 designers that are working on updating the look and functionality…and I’m cleaning up another one. We’ll see whose actually makes it here first.

Tomorrow will be the beginning of spring purge step 2. So, what is that? Tune in tomorrow to find out.

Finally…The Feed Is Fixed!

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

mad_scientist I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have an e-gremlin in the system…one that I couldn’t find for weeks. And then to finally have a "eureka" moment point to a potential solution…

and it actually work!

I was starting to look like the mad scientist in the picture, and felt like I was just about to start pulling my hair out (Actually, I had already sacrificed a strand or two).

Aarrgh! Charlie Brown and I were having something in common. Frustration with a capital ‘F’, big time. I am SO glad that the darn thing is now working.  Saved me from early female pattern baldness.

So…as that screwy rabbit would say…
"On wid da show!"

Breakfast NOT At Tiffany’s: Holding My Own In Sante Fe

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

view from my table 
There are many good places to have a hearty southwestern breakfast. But few  with the ambience of Sante Fe.

sante fe breakfastYesterday, I had my favorite southwestern breakfast, Huevos Rancheros. I was very pleased that there were no refried beans on my plate. The chiles and hashbrowns hit the spot. I was going to dine on it again this morning, but was running a bit

Something Weird Is Going On With The Feed

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

Well as Murphy’s Law would have it, I’m just about to board a plane for a you rang conference in New Mexico when my blog designer tells me that my feed has disappeared. I had been looking for my latest post to arrive in my email…actually my last couple of posts…and they are missing in action.

So the question is: "What the heckies is going on?" Technical troubles before a 3 AM roadtrip to the airport is just

Quick Maintenence Message…

Written by dr. j. Posted in News

Just to let you know that I will be doing some upgrading to the software that runs this site sometime tomorrow, as I’m a little to fried to get it done tonight…though I tried.

So I thought that the best plan was to rest my brain first…to make sure it goes without a hitch.

This upgrade ‘should’ be short, sweet and simple. I’ve already done a dry run on another site. So wish me luck with this one.

Then I can show you some pics from my day at the lake.
Until tomorrow…


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