
7 Deadly Threats

There are 7 Deadly Threats that impact your health massively. They stand in the way of you maintaining good health. Each one is responsible for untoward death and debility. Each one deserves and mandates attention by you…that is IF you want to corral them in…versus have them stampede over you.

What is 7 Deadly Threats?

First and foremost, 7 Deadly Threats is a book that will be released late 2012. It will be available in print, electronic and audio editions. It will be available here, in bookstores and through online retailers like Amazon. It will help you navigate the MASSIVE misinformation which permeates the media and health care fields so you KNOW what the real deal is.

7 Deadly Threats…

There is no magic sauce…no fairy dust…no Koolaid that takes away the reality and the realization that living a radiantly healthy life no longer comes by fiat. You HAVE to be on guard and vigilant…there are just TOO many threats working ON you all the time. Good health now becomes a 24/7 ACTIVE pursuit.

7 Deadly Threats will show you what the threats are…and tell you what you can do 7 Deadly Threats bookcoverto protect yourself. It cuts through all the bunk, hyperbole and deception. Your only choice will be whether you choose to open your mind and receive it.

And…for those of you who really want to get your ‘health’ act together, to put your butt to the fire – to DO something about it right now – a coaching program will be available which I will lead…and it will include a private, interactive online environment.

Stay tuned…

You can know when 7 Deadly Threats launches by getting on the special pre-release and EARLY release notification list. There will be a TON of special release ‘perks’ and bonuses.

I will update this page WHEN I launch the pre-release site…and early bird list.
Until then…just subscribe to this site and you will be the first to know…

Oh…by the way…here’s the rest of the title:

7 Deadly Threats – How to Defeat the Hidden Dangers That Are Quietly Killing You!


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