On Britney Spears: What Was Dr. Phil Thinking?
I couldn’t help but be a little outraged when I heard that Dr. Phil was planning a special on Britney after visiting her in the hospital. Even though he pulled the show, he lost a whole lot of credibility with me. The thought of doing a special on her plight was predatory, whatever the gain to viewers.
Britney has had her share of pain recently. That pain should not have even been considered as media fodder by Dr. Phil. That was insensitive and pure exploitation. So, I understand where her family is coming from.
Yes, she needs help and support…PRIVATELY, not publicly. Too much laundry has already been aired in public. Maybe Dr. Phil has forgotten about what 1 to 1 work entails! Including confidentiality (whether a doctor patient relationship existed or not).
I can only say…"Dr. Phil…WHAT where you thinking?"

Tags: britney spears, Dr. Phil, mental breakdown, Stress
Comments (130)
How to register a website
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Wow, i have gone thought this post and found it very interesting..
I admire al your precious time into this post..
Great work!
dr. j
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Americans have such an appetite for this stuff. That why Jerry Springer is so successful and talk shows abound. It allows them to be voyeurs of sorts, living vicariously through others…
and it allows them to identify with their pain and seek solutions without ever being officially identified as having a problem or being a patient.
I know TONS of people who talk about what Dr. Phil said on TV…Oprah being one (not that I know Oprah). So if people feel that Dr. Phil’s show helps them, more power to them. At least they are getting help.
I don’t listen to radio, so I haven’t a clue what those commericals are like.
Thanks for your comment and imput.
Pete Wrigley
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Um…Don’t you maybe think that the whole concept of Dr. Phil’s program could be considered predatory or exploitive? Taking the lowest common denominators of human behavior and berating them on national TV? Have always thought the man was a bit of a vulture. In fairness, I’ve never seen the show, but the radio commercials are enough to turn my stomach.