The Eagle: A Lesson in Determination
I received an email from a friend of mine this week about bald eagles. Now, I know some things about eagles…that they are the greatest hunters and fishers…and that they can kill a myriad of prey…including mountain goat, fox, bear cubs and deer. But this was something I didn’t know.
Not only are eagles a picture of grace and power, but also of longevity and determination. I will post what I received below. As you are reading it, think about whether you would do what the eagle did…
When it rains, most birds head for shelter. The eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid rain, flies above the clouds…
It’s eyesight is formidable. It is said that an eagle can see craters on the moon. It can identify a rabbit moving a mile away. And while flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country, it can spot prey over an area of nearly 3 square miles.
Power, grace, determination and longevity…
No wonder man is inspired by the soaring of eagles.

Tags: longevity
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