We’ve Got A New Engine!
“Pappas Got A Brand New Bag!”
Yahoo…We are now state of the art!
Finally, we’ve got a platform upgrade that is actually working. Over the past year, I’ve been trying to upgrade this site to various versions of wordpress, without success. There was always something going wrong, especially since I was using a template built for wordpress 1.5.
After testing the upgrade on another non-critical domain, and getting it to work, I was able to upgrade THIS one with confidence.
Also, for months I’d been looking for a theme to upgrade the look, feel and functionality of Better Health News to no avail.
I even TRIED to have a custom one made TWICE and, well, those people just didn’t cut the mustard. As providence would have it, all of that waiting has not been in vain.
I owe a HUGE debt of thanks to 3 people. First, Alex’s training on doing the upgrade was invaluable – as was his finally pointing me to something that could handle all of the comment spam and actually WORK with the old template, which gave me the utmost confidence it would work with the new one. Thus I’ve been able to re-open the comments section.
Alex, whenever we meet, I owe you a beer.
Second thanks goes out to Chris #1 for doing my blog review and finding some problems that I didn’t even know was there. I STILL need to get my debrief from him. However his comments helped me clean up issues with the structure of the blog.
And last but NEVER the least, my wall of gratitude goes out to Chris #2. He’s hipped me to some TWEAKS that are just plain awesome. And…most importantly…he’s given me a new theme to work with…one that I would have GLADLY paid him for (I can’t believe he offered it gratis!).
And his blog is just pure pleasure to read.
So, Chris, you get a double snap and BIG thanks. If you’re into beer or Dom, I’m buying.
Well, that’s it for the upgrade issue. I’m still tweaking and cleaning up. But suffice it to say that now it’s full speed ahead. I have 2, er 3 other blogs that I will be launching very soon…one that is being tested on a proprietary wordpress platform (and having me pull out my hair; what a headache).
Nuf said!
As that screwy rabbit would say…
“On wid da show!”