On Marijuana Growing In Canada: New 10 Billion Dollar Cash Crop Puts Vancouver On The Map
I was at a conference last week and was discussing the boom in the real estate market in Vancouver, BC. I was amazed at how many new high rise apartments and condos that were going up, many right on the waterfront. And they weren’t cheap!
Even with the Winter Olympics slated to happen there soon, I couldn’t help but wonder what would sustain that type of spending past that event.
I was already well aware that Vancouver has become a famous Asian hub. Just my trip through customs demonstrated that I was in the very minority of who was traveling that day. With relaxed immigration laws, money flowed easily from the Orient into BC. But was that it?
Damian, a resident of the area, stated that although the Asian money was and is a factor, you just can’t beat the sheer buying power of a $10 Billion Dollar cash crop pouring into the area. I’m not talking about all of Canada. I’m speaking about British Columbia alone. That cash crop is marijuana.
Damian stated that it’s not that it’s legal to grow marijuana here, there just isn’t any major pressure to control or regulate this; he states the authorities look the other way.
So the money flows without fear from legal hassles for growing for your own personal use or growing to sell. He states that many people expanding their living space just to grow this. And with the profits, people are investing that back into real estate.
Hummm…This one industry has put a major boost to the local economy. Interesting enough…when I was there, I didn’t notice anyone smoking it, nor did I notice the smell. So, use of it not openly defiant.
I wonder if more Americans knew that, would we have more crossing the border or attempting to become citizens just to start a marijuana growing business where it’s not illegal? |
The decline in the buying power of the American dollar has been never more evident than in Canada. I used to trade up 1 dollar Canadian for 70 cents US. Now it’s about 1 to 1 – that loss of buying power occurred in 13 years. And with many boomers facing retirement, that loss of buying power is not good.
With medical marijuana’s passage in selected states, the government is now clearly identified as being a ‘dope dealer’. The question is how far will this go? I’ve talked with many people that have to do with the legal system who feel that it should be decriminalized. Why? Costs!
The jails and prisons are overfull with many other offenses, including real drug crimes related to meth, crack, heroin, alcohol and narcotic analgesics, and is buckling under the rising burden of sex related crimes. The time and energy spent processing and prosecuting these marijuana related cases could be better spent elsewhere.
Yet others say, crime is crime.
With states like California having a serious budget crisis, much of that due to the burgeoning legal and social welfare system (and the 3 strike law), and states like Michigan already way over budget with allocations of $2 Billion Dollars to service 55,000 inmates, well, the pot (no pun intended) will run dry sooner or later…and hard choices will have to be made. One of those may be decriminalizing marijuana usage.
I doubt the US will ever go as far as Canada has gone.
However $10 Billion Dollars, no matter how you slice it, would have a major impact on a LOCAL economy, be it California or Michigan, or as it’s currently having in British Columbia.
There is tremendous pressure to allow the growing of hemp in the US again. This crop has no pharmaceutical use, as there are no psychoactive substances in it. However it is a great source of protein and omega fatty acids, and a great source of fiber not only for the body. This fiber is has industrial uses; it’s used in making clothes, rope and paper. And, this crop can be grown literally anywhere without the need of pesticides or herbicides.
I recently came across an article on the use of vending machines in Los Angeles to deliver medical marijuana. It’s an interesting read on the hoops it takes to get it. It requires fingerprinting and a special access card.
Is this a sign of things yet to come?
Let me know what you think!

Tags: marijuana growing in canada, medical marijuana, vancouver
Comments (130)
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Hey D-bag, a.k.a. adam…shut up. The pic is credited, not that anyone but you gives a damn.
Also, I’d love to have a place in Vancouver. Mexican dirt weed sucks.
dr. j
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@ Stakhanov
Thanks for your comment and to clarifying what legal low down is. Yes, BC is tres beautiful. I’m looking forward to exploring it more…that is, once it warms up.
As for Whistler…darn those steeps! I’m a chicken regarding those runs and just love watching people do them. There’s probably some cross country skiing to be had there…but everyone I know goes there for the blacks.
As for the surfing, watch out for the sharks and the giant octupi. Party on!
dr. j
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Thanks for the comment. The original link in the post was back to your site. Somehow it was removed by the program I used to upload it. Thanks for alerting me. Since you’ve put your link here, consider it credited. The photo also has an alt tag that states, “from Thrillist.com” coded by hand and tested.
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Winter in BC, especially the vancouver is great purely because it is close to Whistler, which is among of the best mountain resorts in the world, certainly the top few in north america. Long Beach has some of the best surfing in the world, which is another plus, however you have to be pretty hardcore as the water hovers around 5 degrees (Celsius). Granted Mexico certainly has the sun though 🙂
Marijuana in BC is largely tolerated because the residents there don’t really see it as a threat as long as it isn;t too public. Places like the shop in nelson exist in vancouver and elsewhere too, but they DO get raided once in a while. But yeah, having grown up in BC, I can confirm authorities usually look the other way. Myself and 4 friends have been arrested for possession on different occasions and none of us have been charged. The cops will still arrest you in many areas, and hassle you, but ultimately no charges will be filed unless you have a large amount (ie more than one ounce at the least).
That is if they even arrest you and don’t just let you go with a warning
dr. j
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Thanks for the great comment!
I KNEW Americans invested a lot in Mexico but to have a visa so easily…well…makes Cabos San Lucas look better all the time as a winter retreat.
That’s something BC can’t compete with…nor the price of residence.
P Riehl
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$10 billion – wow.
I learned in Nelson that they’re under the jurisdiction of the Nelson police, RCMP, AND a US alphabet agency whose jurisdiction extends 60 miles into Canada – wha–? Nonetheless, you can walk into a store (I won’t name it, but with a 3-meter cannabis leaf painted on the side, ain’t hard to find) and buy weed or hash.
Anyway, don’t mean to detract from the thrust of this article, but hahaha just try applying for Canadian residence (forget citizenship) as an American! Spend a lot of money, wait four years while the bureaucrats get around to looking at your file…we waited two years and said forget it. US$135 and one week and we had Mexican residence visas, and were on our way to the sunny mountains of southern Mexico…
…where marijuana (not BC bud, alas) costs $5/ounce…but isn’t grown in such an easygoing atmosphere.